Zoology is a vast science which deals with animals hence ,it is usually quoted with as animal science . It deals with all those aspects which are related to maintainence and continuity of the animal life .These aspects include the body organisation ,functions of body parts , in heritage of characters ,evolution ,responses and behavior , relationship with environment, etc. Branches of Zoology For sake of convenience ,Zoology , a vast science , has been divided into different branches which include ; [1] Morphology .It deals with gross structure and shape of different animals .It has been divided into Anatomy, dealing with the study of internal structures with unaided eyes , and Histology , the study of the internal organs and tissues with the help of microscope . [2] Cytology .It deals with the cytoplasm and structural detail of cells. [3] Taxonomy .It is the study of principles and laws relating to classification of animals and their nomenclature. [4] Evolution . It deals with the study of origin of life , formation of different forms from the primordial life and relation ship between existing [extent] and extinct animals. [5] Paleontology . It deals with the remains of animals of bygone ages,i.e., fossils . [6] Zoogeography.It deals with the study of the distribution of animals in space and rocks of the earth . [7] Genetics .It deals with the study of the distribution of animals in space and rocks of the earth from generation to generation . [8] Zooecology . It deals with the study of animals association with other organism and abiotic environment , or deals with the relationship between animals and their surroundings . [9] Eugenics . It deals with the method of improvement of the human race , involving already established principles of genetics . [10] Ethology . It deals with the study of improvement of the human race, improving immediate environment that surrounds man .[12] Embroylogy .It deals with the study of improvement of human race by improving immediate environment that surrounds man . [13] Endocrinology .It deals with embroys and their development .The developmental biology is synonimous with the embroylogy . [14] Physiology .It deals with the study of function of the body parts. [15] Osteology.It is the study of the bones of different animals . [16] Enzymology.It deals with the study of the nature , strucutures and the function of enzymes in the body of animals .
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