Friday, August 19, 2011


All  matters of the  universe are formed  by the same structural units  hence  they are basically  similar.Inspite  of this  the different objects are categorised   everywhere as living objects  and non-living objects.The matter that forms  every living  object is a greyish , semitransparent and viscous mixture ,named protoplasm by purkinje [1839] and later by hugo von mohl [1846] .This is refered to as a  marvellous super mixture  of mixtures  and a colloidal  system.This  is  compose of a large number of substances or elements ,none of which is unique  to living matter ,that is , these chemicals are also distributed  in all non-living matter of the  world.However , in living matter , these chemical have combined  in a special way  that imparts  quality of life   to this matter .The quality  of life  inherent  in the protoplasm  are the  ability of response  to stimuli  , the ability  of growth  and reproduction  and, the ability  of performing chemical process [chemically called metabolism] .Besides , it can utilize and trnasform energy .The quality of life described  above are not found  in the matter present in non -living objects .                                                                                                                                     BIOLOGY                                                                                                                   Biology    is the study of objects that are alive  due to the presence of steady and dynamic  protoplasm in them .Such objects are named as living objects ,living  beings, or living organisms .In contrast  to the  living objects ,the non-living objects  are not alive .Since  the protoplasm is absent in them  , they donot posess   life.                                                                                                                                                                                 The objects belong to  two basic  types- animals and plants .Athird   category of living objects , include a vast  assemblage of microscopic  living objects which donot fit  nearly into either   animal  assemblage  or plant assemblage .                                                                                                                   MAIN BRANCH OF BIOLOGY                                                                                                                      Biology is divided into animal biology ,also termed Zoology,plant biology, also termed botany and micro biology .                                                                                                                                                              Zoology or  animal biology  deals with animals ,whereas  botany or plant biology deals with  plants .Microbiology is the study of microscopic  biolgy objects  which are distinctly neither animals nor plants .This is further  subdivided  into bacteriology ,dealing with  bacteria and virology , relating to virus .                            Basic Biological Concepts                                                                                                                                [1] Living  objects or living organisms secures  survival ,not merely of the individual  but also of the  species .                                                                                                                                                             [2] To secure  survival , the organisms  are adapted  to the environment , that is their structures and physiology  fits  them to  live sucessfully  in their particular situation .Every organism  is adapted  to its environment  to lesser  or greater  extent; if this were not so , it would  perish.                                                      [3] The greater variety of life forms , thaat is , biological objects   have been arisen  process of slow  gradual change  from simpler forms that existed  in the geological past.In short, we find a progression  from the simple to complex forms.                                                                                                                                  

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