Tuesday, August 16, 2011


From earliest time ,living things have been given common names by people who live amidst them .These names have continued through ages .Westill  use many of thwese such as pine ,oak blue grass, blue bell, sun flower , buffalo grass, jelly fish ,star fish dog fish .etc But  common names are highly variable ; they vary from country to country  language to language .For example,a small bird which we call gauraiya  in india  and pakistan , is kown  by different  names in different  languages  in different countries ,e.g., house  sparrow in england , pardal in spain, suzune in japan , musch in holland. Common names are variable in the same region ; some people called a bird wood peacker , some call it flicker , some call it golden wing wood peacker and others call it  yellow hammer or high-hole.The common name in a language means a particular living thing if we know that language or if we live in that community in which it is used.In many cases a single name refers  to many plants and animals . for example , the common  name blue bell  is used for dozons of plants  with  blue ,bell shaped flower. Likewise the name black bird refers to crow , cuckoo , raven or rusty black bird.These are confusing  because nosystem was used in choosing them.                                                                                         Besides being confusing many of the name used  in referring to plant and animal are also misleading ; they give wrong impression of plant-animal relation ship because they have no scientific basis.For example ,silverfish is an insect but it gives an impression of a fish which is entirely different from any insect .Likewise,jelly fish and star fish both  not a fish in any respect ,gives impression of a fish .Likewise sea horse is not a horse  but a type of a fish .The above mentioned short comings of the  common nae have  necessitate the naming  of living things  in only one language scientifically .The naming  of living organisms in thic way  removes confusion in one such name  refers to only one living thing .Linnaeus was the first to use  scientific names of plants and animals.The tenth  edition of his book systema naturae  includes such names of many plants and animals . Linnaeus named  a plant or animal in latin langyuage [ the  language of all intellectual of that time ]  by using two words ; the first words refers to a genus [genuric name ] and the second to a species[specific name ] .This way  of naming a living thing  is called binomial nomen clature.The initial of the first word is written or printed  in capital form, whereas  its remaining letters are are written or printd small form.But all letters of the second word are written or printe in small form .But  all letters of the second wor are wriitten  or printed in small form. when a binomial nomen clature is written ,its both  both words are  underlined . In books this nomenclature is printe in italic letters .The binomial nomen clature  is used by biologist  the world all over . It gives  binomial nomen clature  of some familiar  animals .In some  specific cases , atrinomial  nomen clature is used .                                   TRINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE ;Some times , members of species show certain modification  which may be minor but it is quite distinct . Such members are considered as sub species  or  variety of the related species.For species  a trinomial  nomen clature is used .This name  consists of three words; the first words stands for generic name , the second for species name  and the third for sub species name .The modern  man's  trinomial nome clature is  homo sapiens sapiens .Likewise , trinomial nomen clature  of head - louse and body -louse  are pedi cularis  humanus  capitis and  pedicularis humanus  humanus  respectively.                                                                                       

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