Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Chromosomes, the vehicles of heriditary characters ,are composed  of chromatin  which mainly consists of nucleoproteins  though other substances are known to be present in it .The  nucleoprotein as the name suggests , is a complex of nucleic acid ,specially  deoxy ribo nucleic acid , specially deoxy ribo nucleic acid[DNA] and histone protein  The nuceic acid besides being responsible for the physiological and m olecular activities  in the body  also  acts as genetic material .              NUCLEIC ACIDS    ; The nucleic acid are mainly found in the nucleous .They are long chain molecules , built of repeating  small molecules , called  nucleotides , joined end to end  in a chian . They are   not found in  free state but complexed  with the protein to form nucleo protein , the chromatin .The  nucleic acid obtained earlier from  yeast cells was named zymonucleic acid  and that  from the  thymus , the thymo nucleic acid . The nucleic acid are of two types ,the deoxyribose nucleic acid , abbreviated  as dna ,and ribose nucleic acid , abbreviated as rna .The former  is found  in the nucleus, mitochondria  and chloroplasts, whereas the lattewr  is found un nuccleolus and cyto plasm.                                                                                                                                                                   DEOXYRIBOSE NUCLEIC ACID                                                                                                                              The dna is biolgically  most  important and stable  molecule . It exercises extremely superior role in cellular in heritence ,growth an development  in the cell  division   and synthesis of  protiens  and other chemical consituents  of organisms .In fact  it is a reference library  that  contains  infomation  neede by the cell for performing  its activities ; it is associated with all  biological  processes .                                                                                              Miescher [1869]  was the first scientist to seperate the DNA  from the nucleus of the pus cells and named in nuclein.However ,its role in heredity  was  suggested by hertwig [1884] .The name nucleic acid was  proposed by altman [1889] due to its acidic nature and occurrence  in the nucleus. Scientists got more intersted in DNA  after fourth decade of the present  century and  many scientists such as  Boivin ,Roger ,Vendrelly,Ris ,McCarthy , investigated it and  suggests its role in heridity.In 1953 Watson and Crick proposed an acceptable  structural model of the DNA ,commonly known as double helix model, which can  explain the  specificity  and replication  of genes.                                                                                                      Chemical composition of DNA.The DNA is a polymer and its buiding units are called  nucleotide is made of three different molecules ,a pentose  sugar [5-csugar] ,a nitrogenous  base and phosphate In DNA,the sugar is deoxyribose . Four  different  nitrogennous bases occurs in the DNA .They  includre adenine ,guanine ,cytosine and thymine.The adenine and guanine are  purines ,whereas ,the cyto sine and thymine are pyrimidines .In their structure , the purines  [adenine and guanine]  have double  rings , whereas  pyrimidines hav er only single ring .The bases show the presence  of an  amino group ; in cytosine  and adwenine  this group is present at  number 4 position of the first ring  but in thymine and gua nine, these positions are  occupied  by a keto group [co]. At this c1b position ,the deoxy ribose[pentose sugar] joins a  nitrogenous base  to form a nucleoside ; the four bases  form  four  free hydroxyl group of the pentose in a nucleoside to form a nucleotide .Deprnding  on the four different bases , ther are four  kind s of nucleotides in DNA.., deoxycytidilic acid  or deoxy cyti dilate ,containing  cytosine deoxy thymidyclic acid or deoxy guanilate , containing guanine .The linkage  between the pentous sugar and phos phoric acid is called ester linkage . Thus  a nucleotide  is a phosphate  diester  linkages , one at 3' hydroxyl position and other  at 5' hydro xyl position.Infact,a phosphoric acid  molecule helps in joining two nucleosides ;it is joined to carbon atom 3 ' of one deoxyribose and carbon 5' of other.The four nucleotides  join to form a single DNA strand ,i.e., DNA poynuceotide


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