[The account of the digestion presented under this section is applicable to maost mamals including man ] .As his already been stated , the rabbit gnaws its food.By means of chisel-shaped incisors , small portion of the vegetables matter are cut up and after being caught by the mobile lips are taken into the buccal cavity .Here the food is throughly mixed with saliva and subjecte to the action of the grinding cheek-teeth .During later process which is called mastication , the food is turned round and round in the buccal cavity by movements of the tongue and chhek -muscles until the whole forms a pulpy mass..Through mastication is of very great importance in herbivores animals like rabbit which live entirely on vegetable matter containing a great deal of starch.It should be noted that in such animals the molar and pre-molar have special transverse ridges for grinding the food . Further the surfaces of the tongue is hard and helps by rubbing the food against the palatine ridges on the roof of the mouth cavity. . When mastication is completed , the pulpy mass is swallowed .This is affected by the bonus being pushed into pharynx by the raising of the tongue, prevented from entering the posterior nares by the soft palate and isa finally forced into the beginning of the oesophagus by the contraction of the pharyngeal wall.During the contraction of the pharynx and entry of the bolus into the oeso phagus the food is prevented from entering into the larynx through the glottis by a flap- like epiglottis .The oeso phagus conveys the food to the stomach through the activity of the layer s of the muscles in its walls.This activity causes peristalsis . The first stages in the conversaion of food into the protoplasm of the animal is its partial breaking down into simpler compounds . In all cases the digestion consists of a process of hydro lysis,during which the molecular size of the subsances is progressively reduced until the true sollution is possible .These changes are brought about by the familiar biocatalysts known as enzymes or ferments. Inmouth , the food comes in contact with the colourless wateryfluid or saliva , secreted in the mouth cavity by the front pairs of salivary glands , which keeps the mouth continuosly moist under normal conditions.When the food is in mouth ,its smell and tastes considerably increase the rates of its secretion .Since food stays for a very short time in a mouth , it is not in the mouth but in the stomach where thwe main bulk of the salivary digestion takes place Besides ptyalin ,saliva contains 99% water ,mucin albumin ,globumin ,etc.The function of saliva are as follows ; 1 It changes insoluble starch and glycogen into soluble maltose . 2; It helps in swallowing and moistening and lubricating the food.3 It dissolves soluble substance and thus make them fit for tasting .4It has a cleaning effect on the mouth and the teeth . In the mouth ,3-5 percent of the carbohydrates are digested in the suceeding part of the alimentry canal . The digestion doesnot takes place in the oeso phagus because the oeso phagus secretly only mucin ; it doesnot produce any digestive enzyme .The mucin is simply added to the bolus so that it easily passes from the oesophagus to the stomach .However . the action of the ptyalin , which has already started in the mouth , continues . Digestive in the stomach . The food is subjected to the action of the gastric juice , secreted by the tubular gastric glands .As soon as the food reaches the stomach ,its wall is mechanically simulated to produce the gastrin harmone , which , in turn stimulates gastric glands to pour gastric juice into the lume of the stomach The gastric juice is composed of water , mucin ,hci an three digestive enzymes such as pepsin ,rennin [in young ones of rabbit and calves of cattles] and gastric lipase The mucin protects the tissue from the action of enzymes .It is amphoteric [a substance that can act as both acid and base according to conditions] in nature and can thus nutralises both acids and alkalies besides providing a mechanical buffer between hard food substance and the living tissues
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