The food that we take daily constitutes diet .It must be balanced with work.Adiet that contains allcomponent of foods in adequate quantities is called a blalanced diet . According to Bulletin 23 of our government ,an adult doing average work should eat everyday different component of food in quantiites . The dietary requirements depend upon age ,sex and work..These can be obtained from cereal , pulses , leaf and other vegetables ,roots and tubers, milk , oil and fat and ,sugar and jaggery.The common food that we take daily have major constituents of food in varying proportions .Inlight of these , the quantity of the common food s can be adjusted to the type of work one does . The main aim of the balanced diet is tto provide sufficient calories [energy] for work and materials in adequate quantities to body for growth and repair .The energy requirements depend upon the amount of work done ,sex and age .An average adult man rquires about 1800 kilo calories per day to keep him alive and an average adult woman needs 1500 kilo calories per day for the same purpose .At complete rest , an average adult man requires about 1600 kilo calories per day, while an average adult woman needs 1450 kilo calories per day .A young labourer, who does lot of physical work , reqires a diet which can provide him with about 3600 kilo calories per day and a young woman doing the same ,requires a diet which can provide her with about 3000 kilo calories .Ayoung man and a young woman ,who do ordinary works for 8 hour per day ,require everyday about 3000 and 250 kilo calories respectively .The light work everyday demands less calories ; ayoung man needs 2500 kilo calories and ayong woman requires about 2100 kilo calories .Growing children need more energy with the increasing age ; but the energy requirement for both sexes is almost similar upto 12 years but male need more energy than female after 12 years . If the the daiy intake of food does not provide sufficient calories , the capacity for the work is reduced and the body loses weight because the reserved food areoxidised .The continous starvation leads to rapid weight -loss. Malnutrition This is condition in which aperson suffers due to lack of one or more components of food.This is characterized by poor growth and weakness . Deficiency of proteins ,carbohydrates and fats leads to protein energy mal-nutriton [pem] . It is the most common in indian children ,specially in the age period of 1-5 yrs and its symptom is poor body growth and retarded mental growth .Two common forms of the above - mentioned malnutrition are kwashiorker and marasmus . Deficiency of vitamin in the diet im pairs growth and body function s .Lack of vitamin A[retinol ] leads to retarded mental growth ,dryskin , night blindness and defective formation of teeth .Likewise, dificiency of vitamin b1 [thiamine] and b2 [ribo flavin] also lead to retarded growth and adversely affect eyes ,skin tongue and other organs .Thiamine[b1] deficiency result in a disease called beri-beri .This is cahracterised by water logging of tissues , much weakness ,headache ,paralysis and even heart failure . Like the mineral deficiency dieseases, the vitamins deficiency diseases , the vitamins de ficiency deficiency can be cured by recommend dosage.
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