Mendel's conclusion about inheritence of characters were based on his hybridization experiments in which he considered either one pair of contrasting characters involving cross between plants with these characters .The cross involving only one pair of contrasting characters is called monohybridization and the related experiment is callen monohybrid experiment or monohybrid cross .Likewise ,the cross involving two pairs of contrasting characters is called dihybridization and the related experiment is refered to as dihybrid experiment or cross . Mendel's series of experiment involved seven pairs of contrasting characters of the edible garden pea , pisum sativum namely ,smooth and wrinkled seed ,yellow and green peas , tall and short stems,axial or terminal flowers ,white or grey seed-coats ,yellow or green cotyledons ,etc peas are normally self -pollinating but mendel tried the experiment of transferring the pollen of one variety of pea to the stigma of the other . MONO HYBRID EXPERIMENT ;Mendel first cross pea-plants differing in a single pair of contrasting characters ,such as tallnesss or shortness of plants .Thereafter ,the seeds obtain from these plants i.e., the parental plants [p] were sown to obtain plants from the fist felial generation ,indicated by f1 in abbreviated form .The flower of the f1 generation were allowed to second generation ,indicated by f1 in abbreviated form. The flowers of the f1generation were allowed to self pollinate.All the resultant seeds were collected and sown to give the second filial or f2 generation .In this ,mendal found tall plants and short plants in the proportional of 3 tall to 1 short -finally all the plants of the f2 generation and from the resultant weeds an f3 generation was obtained .Seed from the short plants of the f2 generation gave rise to nothing but short plants in the f2 generation .But the tall of f2 didnot all behave in the same way .One third of them gave rise to nothing but talls in thef3 , but the other two thirds segre gated like the plants of the f1 generation, giving rise to the short and tall plants in the proportion of 3to 1 . As a result of his experiments mendal was able to state certain principles or laws which now form the basis for all studies of heredity or genetics [1] Law of Paired Units ; There are unit carriers of heredity which occurs in pairs .One of each pair come from the mother while the other came from the father . The unit carriers were caslled by mendel determiners or factors but now they are known as genes . [2] Law Of Dominance ; when two hereditary units of pair are unlike ,the one which functions and produces its character or effect is called dominant while the others whch remains undeveloped or unexpressed is called recessive .If a plant has one dominant and one recessive gene , it exhibits the dominant trait .[3] Law Of Segregation ; That is , the unit character or the gene keep thier identity and in each generation they are free to seperate from each other and to be redistributed in the offspring . In the above experiment when two of the tall plants obtain from cross of a tall and short peas were crossed , some of the resulting pea plants [f2] were tall and other short . This led mendal to the concept of segregation .Thus the tall plants of f1 generation have genes or factors for both tallness or shortness .When these f1 plants plants are crossed some of the offspring recieve a gene for tallness from each parent ,others recieve one gene for tallness and other for shortness ,while athird group of plants get two genes for shortness
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