Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The digestive system of rabbit roughly correspond in their parts to those frog but each region is more developed and the division of labour reaches  a higher development of rabbit .The digestive system is concerned which is a complex process consisting of all changes which occur in food  with the alimentary canal from the time it is taken into the mouth until it has been  built up into actual body substance or used to supply body energy .These changes may be arranged  in order under four heads ;[1] digestion [2] absorption [3] distribution [4]assimilation .                     The digestive system of the rabbit consists of alimentary canal and associated glands such as liver and pancreas  that are situated outside the alimentary canal  but pour their secretion  into it .                                                    ALIMENTARY CANAL     ; Since the rabbit is hervivorous ,its alimentary canal is  very long coiled tube , begining at mouth and end at anus .Starting  from the mouth end , it consists buccal cavity , pharynx,oesophagus ,stomach ,small intestine and large intestine .                                                                                      BUCCAL CAVITY                                                             The mouth of rabbit is terminal and relative small .It is bounded by the lips which are movable .The upper lips is divided in middle to expose the incisor teeth ,a condition which is the advantage in gnawing .The buccal cavity is seperated from the respiratory channel  by the palate  which form s somewhat arched roof of the mouth cavity has the skeletol  foundation of the horizontal processes of the premaxillae ,maxillae  and palatine bones .It is  known as the hard palate ; its hinder part , which is purely  formed  by connective tissue and muscles , is called the soft palate , the free border of which  projects into the pharyngeal  cavity .The surface of the entire palate  particularly that of the soft palate is provided with numerous palatine glands whose secrrtion of mucus helps to keep the mouth  cavity moist The hard palate is also provided with palatine ridges or rugae [most well -developed in  carnivores ] which give a washboard -like  character to the palate  thus help in securing a surer grip  of the food .In the anterior part of the mouth cavity  there are two very smalll naso -palatine openings  which join the buccal cavity  with the nasal cavity .The posterior  internal nares  lie at the posterior end of the  soft palate  and open into the hinder part of the nasal chamber .The glottis is situated under the floor  of the pharynx and leads  into the trachea .Its opening is guarded by a bilobed  cartilaginous  flap the epi glottis, which prevent food from entering the  wind pipe or trachea .The eustachian  tubes open into the posterior nasal chamber .                                                                                                                                      The muscular and slightly protrusible  tongue lies along the floor of the mouth cavity  and is attached just in front of the hyoid  and is directed forward .The  tongue is subdivided into  the hard posterior part and the  soft anterior portion. The side of the posterior part bears the foliate papillie.On the  upper surface of the hard region  are teo circumvallate papillae, each with the ring like depression round it .On both of these papillae  and also on the tip and sides of  the soft anterior portion taste buds are collected .Since the tongue is capable of great variety  of movements ,it serves  many useful proposes .It is auniversal- tooth brush .In furred  animals ,it also act as a curry  comb .The mucous membrane  coverig the tongue has numerous minute  finger shaped papaillae  which contains nerve cells and hence do the work of organs of  taste .                                                                                      

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