Thursday, August 18, 2011


The force of the strength of the jerk  with which blood flows in blood vessels  is called blood pressure .The source of this pressure is strong rythemic  contraction of the heart . This  force is sufficient for moving the blood  from heart to organs through arteries  and  then from organs to heart through  veins . The blood pressure in arteries is more than that in veins .The blood pressure  is of two types ;systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure .When  heart contracts ,the artery has high blood pressure .This blood pressure is called systolic blood pressure  But whe heart relaxes , the artery has reduced  or less  blood pressure  called diastolic  blood pressure .The blood pressure  is measured by an instrument  called  sphygmomanometer .It depends upon the  upon mental and physical conditions and age  .Among young men the systolic  blood pressure ranges  from 100-140  mm Hg and the diastolic blod pressure  fromm 55-80 mm Hg .The  systolic pressure is  is 90 plus age + 10 .Sometimes ,the blood  pressure becomes  high or low to the  normal level  .The high blood pressure  develops  due to unbalanced diet ,or heavy work ,or mental tension [anxiety ,worry an emotion ] or in old age because the diameter  of arteries is reduced .Therefore, heart  has to use more force  for moving blood to organs .This may lead to  heart  failure .                                                                       The low  blood pressure develops due to fatigue  and reduction in blood volume .There fore heart propels blood in arteries  with less force.   Consequently , body organs donot get  nutrients  and other  substances in adequate  quantities .Therfore , body becomes weak and this may lead to heart failure .                                             Control  of Body Heat By Blood                                                                                                                                  All the  invertebrates and lower vertebrates animals like  fish , amphibia and reptiles  are poikilothermic,that  is , thier body temperature varies with that  of thei surroundings .The  temperature  of such animal is usually  a few  degrees above that of its  environment , but a  rise or fall  in the temperature of the air  or water in which it lives  will produce acorresponding change  in the animal's body temperature .These animals  produce heat but thy have very little  capacity for conserving  it or for  adjusting supply and demand .                                      Since the speed  of most chemical changes that takes place  in living organisms increased by a rise in temperature , it follow  that the rate of activity  of a poikilothermic  animal will depend to a large extent  on the surrounding temperature ;  in cold conditions  their  low body temperature  slows down all chemical changes   and reduces the organism to  a state of inactivity . Insects  can be   immobilized  by a sudden fall of temperature .                                                                                                                                                                                                           The quality of homiothermic  condition is restricted  to birds and mammals  and means the ability ok keeping the temperature  of the body constant, day and night , year in and year out  Take your own example .A certain amount of heat is  always produced by oxidation .Human muscles are about 40 % efficient  as mechanical machines .This  means that about 40% of energy  produced by a muscle is available for machanical work  and the other 60%  appears as heat .the heat produced in cotracting muscle cells   warms the blood in the surrounding  capilaries .The warm  warm blood transfers the heat   to cooler tissues through which it passes  .This  is much like the distribution  of heat by a hot water system  Birds and mammals  produce considerable  amount of heat which is   well distributed  by the rapid circulating blood  .This ,plus  the mechanism  for excreting  excess heat, makes it possible  for them to maintain  a constant temperature of the body.                       

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